Start-up Business Aid, Industry Line
Assessorato dell’Industria
Consolidation, Modernization and Diversification of Territorial Production Systems
The development project of Henge S.r.l. for the consolidation, modernization and diversification of territorial production systems has proved suitable and financed by the European Fund for Regional Development under the P.O. FESR 2014 – 2020 – Axis III – Action 3.3.1. , “Aid to Start-up and Development Phase Companies, Strategy 2 Creating Job Opportunities Promoting the Competitiveness of Companies” of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Department of Industry.
The project aims to start innovative non-invasive diagnostic services and process innovation.
PROJECT TITLE: Advanced Non-invasive Diagnostic and Diagnostic Imaging Technologies Applied to the Environment, Cultural Heritage, Engineering
CUP: E27I20000090007
AMOUNT FINANCED: € 39.731,50
SOURCE: POR FESR Sardegna 2014 – 2020
DATES: Start of Project 24.05.2018 – End of Project 30.06.2020
CONTACTS: Administration, +39 070 796 7812
Henge S.r.l., Heritage Engineering Geophysics