Applied Geophysics – Diagnostic Imaging – Non Destructive Testing
it is exactly under the surface
where more crucial information
are hidden
Heritage Engineering Geophysics
Originated thanks to the long-time academic and professional experience of our team of professors, engineers, geologists and conservative architects, Henge s.r.l. is a spin off company of the University of Cagliari specialized in non-invasive surveys, applied geophysics, diagnostic imaging and non destructive testing.
Henge S.r.l. is located in Sardinia, Cagliari, it works in Italy and abroad.
- Geoelectrics
- Seismics
- Electromagnetism
- Magnetism
- Magnetotellurics
- Gravimetry
- Thermography
- Multispectral
- Ground Based Radar Interferometry
- Laser Scanner
- Total Station, GPS
- Videoinspection ROV
- UAV System
- Underwater ROV System
- Environment
- Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
- Architecture
- Energy Efficiency
- Geology and Hydrogeology
- Geotechnics
- Engineering
- Preventive Manteinance
- Utilities Survey and Mapping
- Planning
- 3D Digital Surveys
- Topography and Photogrammetry
The Henge Divisions
Henge’s expertise is divided into three different divisions with specific skills and activities

Division involved in consulting activities, survey planning, acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data, essential to study subsoil in many application areas.

Division concerned with the study, analysis, survey, acquisition and data processing of structures, infrastructures, buildings and precious surfaces, cultural heritage.

Division involved in the research and the development of new methodologies and innovative applications in the field of non-invasive and diagnostic imaging.
Henge Geophysics
Applied Geophysics and Non Invasive Surveys for Environment, Engineering and Archaeology
Underground 3D Modelling
The reconstruction of physical features and their graphical representation in several dimension and in time-lapse is crucial to define many environmental and engineering issues.
Archaeological Research and Archaeological Risk
Non-invasive surveys allows us to rationalise the archaeological excavations by focalising and delimiting the most interesting areas. Preliminary evaluations of all planning is also possible to reduce the risk of historical findings, which would cause slowing down and economical rise for workers and operators.
Utilities Survey and Mapping
By now, mapping of 3D digital sub-services is a stabilized practice to manage the rational laying of technological nets. It simplifies maintenance works contributing to create the nets cadastre.
Data Integration and GIS
Data integration originated from different methods reduces the interpretation uncertainty and increases information obtainable. Georeferencing measurement using GIS tools optimises results, which will be accessible for inexpert people.
Henge Diagnostics
Structure, Infrastructure, Civil and Industrial Surveys and Diagnostics
3D Surveys and Remote Sensing
Geometric information of structures and handmade objects, high resolution 3D digital models reconstruction and the graphic representation are the fundamental steps for the following planning and analysis.
Material Diagnostics
Through the technology is possible to characterise materials that are part of a complex matrix and obtain useful information for technicians and companies.
Stability Evaluation
The integration of geometric survey, materials characterisation, numerical models and simulations permits in-depth evaluations about the stability of individual architectural elements as well as complex structures.
Decay Analysis and Mapping
Surveys and high resolution processing of surfaces allow to identify and define decayed areas in prevision of successive conservative works or restoration.
Henge R&D
Continuous Innovation
Non Conventional Applications
Depending on the nature of issues, it is often necessary to develop new methodologies or to move away from conventional procedures by adapting established techniques to particular context.
Development of New Technologies
Our research is always pointed to improve hardware and software in order to collect even greater amount of data in less time and with high reliability, but also to introduce technologies which allow new applications.
Data Visualisation
The final user can totally make use of all information thanks to the high graphical quality results and their visualisation with all out-line information we obtained through virtual data representation tools, which are available on line.